
The Dim Hollows Surrounding the Glittering Heights

Silverman’s vision sprang from an epiphany he had one beautiful spring day, as he walked through the lush streets of Park Slope: Use authentic local charm to transform Brooklyn into a world-class destination. That was what lured him across the water from his Upper West Side home, and he hasn’t looked back since.

"Brooklyn is poised for greatness, I’m just trying to speed things along.”
Morris Silverman, President, The Coleman Group

Welcome to the Brooklyn Heritage Festival

Calendar of Upcoming Events:
An Evening of Classic Children’s Stories
Columbus Park Concert Series (dates t.b.a.)
Jose Canseco Reads Howie the Kangaroo ("Read for Life" series)
Sacred Sites of Brooklyn Heights (visit to five 19th century churches)
Family Talent Show (all ages welcome)
The Gardens of Brooklyn (free 90-minute tour)
Ukrainian Movie Night
Canarsie Street Jubilee
Homecrest Flea Market
BK on TV: Tour of Famous Film & TV Locations
Waterfront Craft Fair (kids activities, music, face painting, plant sale)

All events brought to you by The Coleman Group

Always Changing, Always Brooklyn!

At this moment Brooklyn has never been hotter. Indeed, as a place to live, a state of mind, and a subject of popular interest Brooklyn is “all the rage.” The borough has been re-branded and transformed from Manhattan’s provincial cousin into a place with eminent cachet. [Excerpt from The Coleman Group’s Marketing Plan]

“Brooklyn’s neighborhoods are its greatest asset. Communicating the idea of Authentic Brooklyn Charm (ABC) is essential to The Coleman Group's long-term sales strategy.”

More Big Sky Brooklyn: The Novel

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